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Schönox VD

Dilutable Acrylic Primer especially suitable for use prior to applying Schönox underlayments on porous substrates. Suitable for priming on walls and floors following the recommended dilution rates. Interior and exterior use.

Technical Data
2.5 gallon
Undiluted approx. 1300 sq.ft. per unit
Diluted 1:1 approx. 1500 sq.ft. per unit
Diluted 1:3 approx. 2000 sq.ft. per unit depending on the absorbency of the substrate, tools and mixing ratio
1.25 gallon
Diluted 1:1 approx. 750 sq.ft. per unit
Diluted 1:3 approx. 1,000 sq.ft. per unit
Undiluted approx. 1300 sq.ft. per unit
Diluted 1:1 approx. 1500 sq.ft. per unit
Diluted 1:3 approx. 2000 sq.ft. per unit depending on the absorbency of the substrate, tools and mixing ratio
1.25 gallon
Diluted 1:1 approx. 750 sq.ft. per unit
Diluted 1:3 approx. 1,000 sq.ft. per unit
EC 1 Plus: very low emission
IEQ 4.2 Low-Emitting Materials Paints and Coatings – 1 point
VOC Content
0g/l (calculated), SCAQMD 1113
Working Temperature
Not below 41°F floor temperature
Shelf Life
1 year unopened
2.5 gallon 60 / pallet
1.25 gallon 60 / pallet
1.25 gallon 60 / pallet
2.5 gallons in plastic container
1.25 gallons in plastic container
1.25 gallons in plastic container