Schönox EPA Rapid

Two-Part, Rapid-Drying, Epoxy-Based Moisture Mitigation System and Migration Barrier suitable on porous, concrete slabs with residual moisture up to 100% RH or 25 lbs./1000 sq. ft./24 hrs. in interior or exterior areas before applying Schönox underlayments.

Technical Data


Approx. 300 sq.ft. per unit; the finished application must cover the substrate completely without any voids or pinholes to ensure moisture vapor suppression!


EQc2 Low-Emitting Materials – 1 to 3 points

Working Time

Approx. 10min. at 65°F


Transparent Amber

Shelf Life

24 months unopened


2-Component system:
7.14 kg / 1.68 gallons component A (resin) in metal canister
2.86 kg / 0.77 gallons component B (hardener) in metal canister

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