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Synthetic Gypsum Revolution
The Schönox Synthetics Series revolutionized repair and leveling of traditional, ordinary-gypsum subfloors. For decades, flooring professionals struggled with answers to address crumbling, cracking subfloors commonly found in multifamily housing and other sites where traditional gypsum products were used to achieve fire code and sound objectives. Cement-based repair and leveling products simply do not perform over gypsum-based substrates without significant priming efforts. And the use of more traditional gypsum subfloor products over gypsum substrates produces more of the same low performance subfloors. Schönox Synthetics changed everything.
Engineered for renovation projects, the Schönox Synthetics Series includes a synthetic gypsum-based smoothing and patching compound and two self-leveling compounds, one with and one without embedded fiber reinforcement. Troublesome traditional-gypsum subfloors as well as residual adhesives, asbestos tiles, ceramic, terrazzo, wood, and concrete substrates can be covered, leveled, and renovated without demolition using Schönox Synthetics.
Synthetic gypsum combines performance and safety for project and environmental success. A by-product from the process used to purify power plant emissions is recycled, converted, and fortified to produce synthetic gypsum. Once combined with polymers and other ingredients, Schönox Synthetics achieve outstanding compressive strength, utilize recycled content, feature low dust characteristics, dry without cracking or shrinking, and allow renovation of the broadest array of substrates in the industry.
Schönox AST repairs, patches, smooths, and finishes from featheredge to ¼” depths, ready for floor covering in 30 minutes (at featheredge depth), requires no priming when used over gypsum, achieving 3600 psi compressive strength.
Schönox AP levels gypsum, cement, and most other substrates with depths from 1/16” to 2”, providing outstanding renovation capabilities achieving 5800 psi compressive strength.
Schönox APF levels and refurbishes the most challenging subfloors with depths from 1/8” to 1”, leveraging its embedded fibers for use on varied subfloors including wood, reaching an outstanding 6200 psi compressive strength.
Schönox Synthetics Series:
The industry solution for addressing traditional, ordinary-gypsum subfloors
The multifamily subfloor resource
Ideal for renovating subfloors of all kinds
No cracking, shrinking, or expanding
Integrated patch, repair, finishing, and leveling compounds
From featheredge to 2” depths within a 3-product series
Low dust (AST and APF) and dust-reduced (AP) properties
No VOCs, contributes to LEED credits
Outstanding compressive and flexural strength
Contains significant recycled content levels
Covers multiple substrates (with appropriate priming)
Pumpable leveling compounds