Commercial Appeal Healthcare Conversion
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Existing Substrate
Existing VCT suspected of asbestos content and residual adhesives were present in a number of areas. The project plan called for Schönox products which could cover these areas rather than remove them. Substrates with years of service reflected the weight and regular use of printing presses and support equipment. The removal of dividing walls and heavy equipment left indentations and voids throughout the building.

The extensive floor space, variety of subfloor issues, and tight project window required a subfloor plan that would result in smooth, sound subfloors ready for floor covering in just three days.

Priming: Schönox VD and SHP
The entire project space was primed using Schönox VD or Schönox SHP based on the porosity of the substrate conditions. Schönox SHP is especially effective in priming diverse substrates with residual floor covering materials.


Renovated Subfloor