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Schönox Service
A Hands ÖN Approach
Schönox service connects flooring professionals with information, product solutions, and opportunities. Our approach is distinctly Hands ÖN, with our Regional Business Managers and Technical Sales Representatives working in the field to support the work of flooring professionals.
Many components make up the Schönox service platform, creating a comprehensive framework to service project needs, planning, and growth:
Together, we unlock the full potential of Schönox product solutions, enhancing project success. And we go further, consulting on project plans, linking resource providers in the field, sharing opportunities, even making joint sales presentations. Schönox is a partner across all projects and market segments. Some of the areas where Schönox service goes beyond the expected:
- Onsite project support
- Warranted factory commitments
- Outstanding environmental positives
- Onsite training events
- Solutions for contaminated subfloors
- Strategies for efficient use of skilled labor
- Planning and budget guidance
- Renovation without demolition project plans
- Low dust, low odor, no VOC products for occupied spaces
- Easy-to-use, high-performance products
- Moisture mitigation & moisture resistant solutions
- Strategic subfloor business development
Logistics and customer service experts at our Florence support center and distribution locations ensure Schönox products, orders, and inventory move around the country, equipping flooring professionals with what they need when the need it. Special orders, the bundling of product systems, unique delivery situations, just-in-time requirements, elevator-sized shipments, you name it, we’ve seen it and we’re ready to help.