Jackson Park Ministry
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Established in 1985, Jackson Park Ministries (JPM) is a growing organization providing the community with a wide range of needed services to help individuals and families become better parents, employees, and stewards of their finances. Whether the need is a meal, counseling, training, or in some cases a place to live, JPM is committed to making a real difference in lives using a biblical foundation.
Turner Construction initiated the JPM project in connection with their Leadership Turner program which develops young professionals within the firm working with philanthropic projects. HPS Schönox was contacted by Modular Designs, the flooring contractor for the project, regarding restoration work the company was doing at JPM. The floors throughout the project site included uneven wood subfloors with residual adhesive and tile. Turner Construction, Modular Designs, and HPS Schönox worked together to develop a plan to renovate the subfloor with minimal demolition work.
Existing Subfloor

A variety of critical subfloor issues were present throughout the renovation area including tile and glue left behind from prior installations. The wood subfloor was quite uneven with peaks and valleys as well as gaps and transition areas between varied substrate materials.
The subfloor surrounding a drain in the floor was particularly damaged, the area uneven, and the substrate brittle. Shane Henson of HPS Schönox and Ryan Pastor of Turner Construction discussed the condition of the subfloor and the overall project plan.

The decision was made to remove this section of sheet vinyl as its adhesion to the substrate was failing. The use of Schönox self-leveling compounds for the project meant that no other tile remnants, glue residue, or wood subfloor pieces had to be removed. Loose plywood subfloor sections were properly secured with screw fasteners.
Open cracks in the substrate were filled with silicone to prevent the floor leveling compound from running through to the next level. Areas of the subfloor that were not to receive floor leveling compound were surrounded by dams using Schönox Foam Tape.
Priming Using Schönox KH Fix

Shane Henson with HPS Schönox worked closely with the project team from Modular Designs. With careful planning, the entire project including subfloor prep, priming, and leveling was completed in a single day.
The entire surface was primed using Schönox KH Fix, ready-mixed, solvent-free acrylic primer. KH Fix enhances the adhesion level between the leveling compound and the substrate and binds any residual dust in the project area. KH Fix was applied from a standing position using a roller and extension rod over a wide variety of wood and residual tile and adhesive residue. The floor was ready for the application of floor leveling compound in under an hour.
Leveling Using Schönox AP

Schönox AP, synthetic gypsum self-leveling compound, was selected for the project for its superior flow characteristics and ability to be successfully applied to a renovated subfloor with a wide variety of critical conditions. The floor leveling compound is quickly and easily mixed. Special dust-reduced properties within Schönox AP keep dust to a minimal level allowing the product to be mixed inside the project area when needed. Specially designed for the renovation industry, AP sets up at an incredible 5800 psi. Created using a by-product of the process used to purify power plant emissions, AP is a strong environmental choice as well as a superior leveling compound.

The smooth consistency of the floor leveling compound quickly spreads throughout the renovation space filling in imperfections, bonding with the substrate, and creating a smooth, sound subfloor. A leveling trowel attached to an extension pole is used to distribute the product and break the surface tension of the compound.
Going from Here to There – Renovated Subfloor

The renovated subfloor will be ready for flooring installation in 24 to 48 hours. The product is free of chromates and VOCs and contributes to LEED credits based on its strong environmental credentials. The Schönox Foam Tape allowed areas where flooring compound was not desired to remain free of the material.