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Schönox Training – Pump Program
Training and Productivity at Live Jobsites
The Schönox Pump Program trains flooring professionals at their live jobsites with the latest self-leveling pump technologies. Schönox provides a pump technology professional for training, a Graco MP40 pump, and the necessary support tools at the jobsite for up to three days. Pump program participants see the advantages of pump technologies first hand including:
TIME – faster mixing and distribution of compounds
MONEY – faster production yields project savings
LABOR – efficient use of skilled personnel
CONSISTENCY – thorough product mixing, even distribution
LOCATION – mix remotely, pump to project space

Pump systems do not reduce the size of project team – they increase the productivity of the team. A 6-person pump team can mix, pump, and distribute 110 more bags per hour than a team manually mixing material; that’s an additional 18,235 sq. ft. per day.

The Schönox pump program benefits all project stakeholders with each receiving:
- Team members (training participants) – actionable, real-world training
- Contractors – more profitable project, equipped for greater success
- Project owners – best-in-class subfloor, project monitored by pump tech and self-leveling expert