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Cement-Based, Repair, Patching, and Smoothing Compounds
The Right Solutions for Every Flooring Professional’s Arsenal
Flooring professionals use cement-based, repair, patching, and smoothing compounds daily. With such frequent use comes great opportunities for the speed, performance, and safety of these compounds to positively affect every project, making this important category a priority.
Schönox provides three cement-based, repair, patching, and smoothing products with the widest range of uses, collectively addressing featheredge to 10-inch depths, with compressive strength ratings from 3,700 to 6,500 psi. All have no VOCs, contribute to LEED credits, qualify for Emicode EC1 Plus (very low emission) status, and clean up with water, making their health and safety credentials integral with their overall performance.
Widely considered the best-in-class performer, Schönox SL can be remixed up to 3 times, greatly extending its pot life while ensuring the complete and efficient use of every bag. The compound’s moisture-resistant credential further differentiates the product’s performance. Schönox SL’s exceptionally smooth, highly workable viscosity paired with its ready-for-covering time in as little as 20 minutes makes it an installer-friendly product highly valued by industry newcomers and veterans alike.
An integrated complement to Schönox SL for use with deeper repairs, Schönox RF uses a very fine-grained texture for repair depths up to 2”, ramping needs, and concrete stair repairs. When the subfloor conditions include trenches and voids, Schönox SEZ Plus fills up to 10-inch depths, ready for floor covering in 24 hours at a 2” depth.
Schönox SL is the industry-leading smoothing and finishing compound, addressing the widest range of substrate tasks from featheredge to 1” depths with moisture resistance, a smooth viscosity and surface, and the ability to be remixed up to 3 times.
Schönox RF handles deeper repair and smoothing tasks from 1/16” to 2” depths with dust-reduced properties, low shrinkage, ramping ability, and a fine-grained texture.
Schönox SEZ Plus fills trenches and voids from ½” to 10” depths with low shrinkage and high hardness and strength levels, drying quickly even in higher layer thicknesses.
Schönox Cement-Based, Repair, Patching, and Smoothing Compounds:
Address widest range of substrates
Low shrinkage and fast drying
Integrated patch, repair, finishing, and leveling compounds for use together
From featheredge to 10” depths within a 3-product series
Smooth viscosity and fine-grained textures (SL and RF)
Remix SL up to 3 times for efficient and complete use
Dust-reduced properties option (RF)
Moisture-resistant option (SL)
Outstanding compressive and flexural strength