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How you start determines how you finish
Not priming substrates is among the top three causes of installation failure (along with moisture issues and subfloor deterioration that is not addressed). Primers provide options for flooring professionals. The right primer selection allows challenging substrate conditions to be addressed with patching, smoothing, and self-leveling compounds that would not properly adhere to the substrate without use of the primer.
Non-porous substrates require primers in order to facilitate adhesion with subfloor materials. Porous substrates often need their porosity reduced to facilitate adhesion as overly porous substrates absorb the water in patching and self-leveling compounds too quickly. And dust is the enemy of all subfloor compounds. Primers bind residual dust creating an ideal surface for application of subfloor materials.
Use the appropriate primer every time a self-leveling compound will be used. The use of primers with repair, patching, and smoothing compounds depends on the type and porosity of the substrate, the selected compound, and the intended depth of use for the compound. Check out the technical data sheets for priming details. To keep primer decisions and their uses efficient, Schönox provides a concise 4-product primer series, addressing every subfloor need.
Schönox KH Fix is ideal for use on gypsum substrates to bind residual dust, reduce absorbency, and improve adhesion, drying in as little as ten minutes.
Schönox VD reduces the absorbency of porous concrete and cement substrates, improves the adhesion of self-leveling compounds, and protects the underlying porous substrates from the moisture within compounds, drying in 10 minutes when used on concrete and gypsum substrates.
Schönox SHP addresses non-porous substrates such as ceramic tiles, epoxy sealer, vinyl, rubber, linoleum, and wood substrates in preparation for self-leveling compound use, drying in 1 to 2 hours.
Schönox FP primes and fills in one step, isolates cracks up to 3mm (1/8”), improves adhesion on many non-porous substrates, and protects against the moisture in compounds, ready for covering in 1 to 3 hours.
Schönox Primers:
Bind residual dust, improve adhesion, address substrate absorbency, protect substrates
Primer options for porous and non-porous substrates
Rapid drying
Schönox VD is dilutable up to 1:3 based on substrate absorbency
Schönox KH Fix and SHP ready mixed
For interior and exterior use
Solvent free
No VOCs, contributes to LEED credits, meets Emicode EC 1 Plus: Very low emission
Address all priming needs within a 4-product series