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Fast, Waterproof Solutions
Waterproofing tasks for showers, wet areas, terraces, balconies, and pools must have a 100% success rate in the short and long term. Accomplishing waterproofing tasks has (historically) been time consuming. Schönox provides two waterproofing solutions, employing advanced technologies to meet speed, performance, and success objectives.
Affix and seal waterproofing membranes and their overlapping seams using Schönox iFix®, a 2-in-1 system applied with a roller in a process completed in 40% less time than conventional methods. Used on walls and floor areas, Schönox iFix™ adheres Schönox ST sealing tape, waterproofing accessory elements, and Schönox AB sealing and waterproofing sheet membranes, forming an integrated waterproofing system. Tiles and coverings are installed after one hour (porous substrates), further speeding project timelines.
Schönox iFix® seals and bonds integrated Schönox membranes and waterproofing accessories and seals their seams in 40% less time than conventional methods, using a dust-reduced, very-low-shrinkage, rapid-hardening formulation for use in interior and exterior, commercial and residential wet areas.
Schönox HA provides a waterproof membrane, using a ready-mixed, rapid-drying formulation for interior, normal and heavy-loaded wet areas such as showers and bathrooms.
Schönox AB, EA, IC, ST D pipe covers, ST sealing tape, and ST FC sleeves integrate with Schönox waterproofing systems to fully address the spaces, corners, turns, pipes, insets, and bends of wet areas.
Schönox iFix®:
- Affixes and seals surfaces and seams of Schönox membranes and waterproofing accessories
- Use in heavy-loaded commercial wet rooms, residential wet areas, and with balconies, terraces, and pools
- Compatible with most substrates, including concrete, gypsum (with priming), old coverings, plywood, OSB, and others
- Two-component, watertight, crosslinking system
- Rolled in place for fast, even distribution
- Rapid hardening, dust-reduced, high-coverage, high-bonding formulation
- Ready for covering in one hour with porous and 12 hours with non-porous substrates
- Install ceramic tiles directly over Schönox AB without needing to prime
- Interior or exterior use
- Meets or exceeds ASTM C627, ANSI A118.12, and ANSI A118.10 (Schönox iFix paired with Schönox AB)
- Solvent free, no VOCs, contribute to LEED credits, meets Emicode EC 1 Plus: Very low emission
Schönox HA:
- Rolls or trowels in place, creating a waterproof membrane
- Use in normal and heavy-loaded wet rooms such as showers and bathrooms
- Compatible with most substrates, including concrete, gypsum (with priming), old coverings, plywood, OSB, and others
- Ready-mixed, easy application
- Rapid drying, changes color after drying
- Ready for covering in three to five hours
- Install ceramic tiles directly over Schönox HA
- Interior use
- Meets or exceeds ASTM C627, ANSI A118.12, and ANSI A118.10
- Fulfills ETAG 022 (Schönox HA used with Schönox ST) for bonded sealing liquid
- Solvent free, no VOCs, contribute to LEED credits, meets Emicode EC 1 Plus: Very low emission